Chickens. The Pets That Poop BreakfastChickens. The pets that poop breakfast. And at lunch, and at dinner, and at every thing and everywhere in between. Seriously, have you…Apr 8, 2021Apr 8, 2021
HEY! IT’S SQUIRREL APPRECIATION DAY!Squirrel Appreciation Day! YAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!Jan 21, 2020Jan 21, 2020
SO I WENT FOOD SHOPPING ON AN EMPTY STOMACH…Ugh… So I went food shopping on an empty stomach. I’m now the proud owner of aisle13. Oh, come on, like this is never happened to you?Jan 8, 2020Jan 8, 2020
Bad Decisions Make the Best StoriesCome on, admit it, bad decisions ALWAYS make the best stories. You know the ones. The stupid decisions you make when you’re really…Jan 5, 2020Jan 5, 2020
Adult Bullying. Not Just for Kids Anymore…Seriously, after this week, I need to be taken out. Either on a date or by a sniper, at this point either one would be fine with me… I got…Dec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019
2020 Vision: Happy New Year!Hey! Happy Annual “What the Fuck Am I Doing With My Life Day!!!” 2020Dec 28, 2019Dec 28, 2019
You May Not Be Able To Control Who Comes Into Your Life, But You Can Absolutely Control What Window…So there are many different kinds of relationship in life. Friendships, romantic relationships, love-hate relationships, I hate that…Aug 4, 2018Aug 4, 2018
But I’ve HAD My Patience Tested. All Tests Came Back Negative…“…but I’ve HAD my patience tested! All tests came back negative…”Jul 28, 20181Jul 28, 20181
Married, With Dishes…So, my husband, like all men in life, has a few quirky habits. And like all men, some of them are annoying as all get-out. Don’t get me…Jul 24, 2018Jul 24, 2018
Just Don’t Do ItMany many many years ago, God said that good, obedient wives and women could be found in all corners of the world. Then he made the earth…Jul 23, 2018Jul 23, 2018